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Institution opening process


  • After the entrepreneur who wants to open an institution-school reaches us;

  • Brief information is given on the phone or face to face, after making an appointment, in the building where the institution will open or 

  • Necessary process begins by meeting in our office...


  • Preparation of Preliminary Information and Discovery Report 
    The building or desired place where the institution will be opened is visited by your consultant.

  • The institution building was examined in terms of the Ministry of National Education Standards Directive and the Fire Department and health report.
    A Discovery Report is prepared on whether it is appropriate to open an institution,

  • If there is no building, the relevant people are informed about how to obtain a building.                  
    The person or authorized person who will open the Founder/Institution is interviewed face to face and information is given about all the next stages.

  • Once an agreement is reached/decided, a detailed contract is signed between our Consultancy and the person or authorized person who will open the Founder/Institution.

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  • Building; According to the agreement made (by the Entrepreneur or by us) it is modified.

  • Educational Material (Classrooms, Offices, etc.) is completed and made ready for education.

  • Tax office registration is made by directing the entrepreneur (as a Legal or Real Person).

  • Register with the Chamber of Commerce or the Chamber of Commerce.

  • If there is a title deed lease agreement for the building, other documents are prepared.

  • After the renovation is completed, an application is made to the Relevant Municipality for a fire license.

  • All documents are prepared by applying to the Provincial Directorate of Public Health for the health report of the workplace.  


  • After the renovation  Technical (solidity and structure analysis) report is prepared by our engineering office.

  • by our engineering office  layout is drawn.  


  1. Written statement of the persons included in the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Law that they meet the conditions specified in the same paragraph.

  2. If the founder is a legal person, the statement stating that private education institution will be operated within the scope of the establishment purposes, and the articles of association, statute or foundation deed published in the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette according to the nature of the legal person, including the nationality of the partners and if there are legal entities among the partners, and the legal person's nationality. example of changes, if any.

  3. If the founder is a legal person, the founder's representative; A copy of the resolution of the general assembly or the board of directors, approved by the national education directorate, in which it is stated that it has the authority to open, close, transfer and similar transactions of the institution.

  4. Technical report and annexes showing that the building is strong and durable, and valid SIM and ITB documents of the civil engineer who prepared the technical report.

  5. A report prepared by the relevant provincial or district health unit, stating that the building and its surroundings are suitable for health.

  6. The report prepared by the fire department regarding the necessary precautions against fire in the building according to the relevant legislation.

  7. The layout plan drawn on 35x50 cm or A3 size paper for the gardens of the buildings to be used as a school and a special education and rehabilitation center, separately for the floor or floors of the building to be opened, the photographs showing the exterior of the building and the garden, and the CD on which these are recorded.

  8. Draft institution regulation and CD prepared to be approved by the Ministry for private schools that want to implement different practices from public schools.

  9. For private schools that do not want to apply different practices from public schools, a written statement that they will apply the regulation to which official similar schools are subject.

  10. Portable electronic record of the curriculum and/or weekly course schedule to be approved by the Ministry for institutions that will implement a unique curriculum and/or weekly course schedule in public or private schools.

  11. Written statement in this regard for institutions that will implement a similar curriculum and/or weekly course schedule in public or private schools.

  12. The date and number of the decision of the Board of Education, which approves the curriculum to be implemented by institutions other than schools.

  13. The manager's work permit offer and a written statement that work permit offers will be made for all necessary personnel whose qualifications are specified before the institution starts teaching.

  14. Work permit proposals of one principal monthly paid field/branch course teacher for each department of those who will open a private vocational and technical Anatolian high school health services field.

  15. A protocol approved by the provincial health directorate, to be signed with hospitals/hospitals by those who will open private vocational and technical Anatolian high school health services.

  16. If the institution building belongs to the founder, a copy of the building title deed approved by the national education directorate; If the institution building is rented, a copy of the title deed of the building and the original of the lease agreement for at least one year in other institutions, as of the date of application, as of the date of application, or a copy approved by the national education directorate.

  17. The unanimous consent document of the flat owners for the use of the garden of the kindergartens to be opened in the independent sections of a main real estate registered as a residence in the land registry. (The document contains the signatures of the floor owner or their representatives who gave their consent separately, and the signature of the apartment manager, indicating how many apartments the building has and whether the signatures belong to the floor owner or their representatives.)

  18. Building occupancy permit of the institution building.

  19. Appropriate opinion letter of the relevant ministries for institutions such as maritime courses and aviation courses.

  20. Presidential Decision for international private education institutions to be opened by foreign nationals or through partnership with Turkish citizens.

  21. For international private education institutions, a document approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the equivalence of the program they will implement is accepted, issued by the department responsible for education of the country that gives the permission.

  22. Approved document showing that fees are paid for those who will open institutions whose licenses are subject to fees as per the Fees Law No. 492.

  23. Those who will open a private vocational and technical Anatolian high school in or outside the organized industrial zone will be able to make their students' skills training / internship work / summer practices; A protocol with a minimum duration of 10 years to be signed with medium or large-scale enterprises/enterprises operating in the same province as the school and in the areas/branches to which support has been decided.

  24. For private education institutions to be opened by persons other than the legal entity of the organized industrial zone within the organized industrial zone, the letter of conformity to be received from the chairman of the board of directors of the relevant organized industrial zone.

  25. To be added to the Ministry Geographical Information System (MEBCBS) of the school to be opened; Measurement sketch data containing building, wall, garden and similar details in the format determined by the General Directorate and published on the website.

  26. For private education courses, social activity centers, motor vehicle drivers courses and special education and rehabilitation centers, the education certificate or service schedule of the founder if the founder is a real person, or the founder's representative if he is a legal person.

  27. Passport photo of the founder representative in real persons, and the founder's representative in legal persons.

  28. Photocopy of tax plate.

The file is prepared and delivered to the Governorship (Provincial Directorate of National Education) or District Governorship (District Directorate of National Education).

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  • After all the above-mentioned documents and reports are prepared, three copy files are prepared by our consultancy.

  • Prepared File Founder / Founder representative
    Application is submitted by the District Governor (District MEM) or Governorship (Provincial MEM).


  • The file is prepared by the founder/founder's representative to the District Governor (District Directorate of National Education) or
    Application is made by submitting it to the Governor's Office (Provincial Directorate of National Education).

  • A report is prepared by the inspectors about the Institution to be opened,

  • The report prepared by the inspectors is submitted to the Provincial Directorate of National Education Inspection Board.

  • If the report is positive, a license is issued by the Governor's Office or the Ministry.

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  • After the license is received, the institution opened by the institution is informed about the MEBBİS, e-School and e-Private programs.

  • Necessary personnel assignment procedures are carried out in order for the institution to become fully operational.

  • Good luck is wished.

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